Terms Of Tuition
The full sewing course extends over a period of two-three years within which time it is hoped that a girl would be a full dressmaker.
In this connection, it is stressed that each girls should spend at least two years at the hostel. In addition to dressmaking, girls are taught housecraft.
There will be no testimonial given if a girl fails to leave at the scheduled time.
The quater fees are twenty four pounds or forty - eight cedis, which might be paid more conveniently by monthly installments of six pounds or 12 cedis.
It might be noted that the fees cover boarding and lodging, sewing and dispensary.
Girls of this hostel are not permitted to break for holidays terminally owing to pressure of work. They can, however, do that when there is not work to be done.
Any parent or guardian wishing to withdraw a girls must give a TERM's Notice, otherwise they will have to forfeit a term's fees.
1 trunk
2 Bedsheets
1 bucket
2 Pillow cases
2 Blankets
2 Enamel Plates
1 Enamel bowl
1 Pressing Iron
1 Pillow
1 set of cutlery (fork, Knife, spoon)
1 Sewing Machine
Couple dresses for church